A lot has happened in 2019, but much of it hasn’t been photography related. I haven’t even purchased any new photography gear in an entire calendar year! In my personal life I have gotten married, moved, and earned a promotion. We got married in Hawaii, which is a great photography location, but the trip was not meant for taking landscape images. So, while I haven’t really done anything major in photography in 2019 it doesn’t mean I wasn’t able to capture some really nice images!
I wanted to sit down really quick today and post something that sums up my best work of 2018, and go into a little detail of why I like each image. I have become more picky with what I shoot and what I consider a portfolio worthy image, so hopefully this will be a marker of that progression! This should be a bit more “off-the-cusp” than my other articles on here, but there will be a new one of those tomorrow to start out 2019 as well!