A lot has happened in 2019, but much of it hasn’t been photography related. I haven’t even purchased any new photography gear in an entire calendar year! In my personal life I have gotten married, moved, and earned a promotion. We got married in Hawaii, which is a great photography location, but the trip was not meant for taking landscape images. So, while I haven’t really done anything major in photography in 2019 it doesn’t mean I wasn’t able to capture some really nice images!
I enjoy having money. It is why I work. Money is what makes things possible in many ways! Money is not why I do photography though and for several very good reasons. There really aren’t many photographers that will get rich from photography, it is my hobby first and escape from work, and my photography is about what is important to me not what sells.
I have been practicing photography for around five years now. During these last five years, I have become a better photographer, but I would say that when it comes to creating meaningful art, I have only just begun. While images don’t have to be meaningful, I do find that having a purpose behind pressing the shutter makes the process more fulfilling.
When photographing landscapes there are many things to keep in mind. Among the list of things to keep at the top of mind include composition, exposure, light, etc… There are also areas that overlap like light and composition, and this is something I would like to talk about in this article.
The constant pressure and stress of everyday life are demanding on us. It beats us down and wears out our bodies of energy reserves. Inevitably, we need to turn off and stop because we all have a set capacity for how much we can take. These ‘release valves’ may materialize in many different ways like food/drink, vacation, and entertainment. This is a natural part of the process for everyone, but what if there were an alternative?
Life is filled with hazards, walls, and obstacles. As we get older, there are more and more things that can be dangerous. The biggest danger in life though is regret and not enjoying creativity of your own and others. In fact, this might even be key to continuing to live a long and happy life!
In a world where there is more and more demand for quality images the challenge of creating enough as one artist becomes increasingly difficult. Posting on Instagram every single day a new composition that works isn’t always possible without cutting some sort of corners! What some have turned to in landscape photography is modifying the landscape to fit their needs. This could be done in many different ways.
Enjoying art is something we all enjoy in one way or another. We assume it is a subjective subject, but there may be an objective angle that we can observe art from. Perhaps art isn’t subjective at all? Neuroaesthetics is a scientific approach to art in the way it is both produced and consumed, and this gives us a basis for figuring out what makes art… Art!
Looks aren’t everything. What might be a trendy look today likely will seem gaudy tomorrow. Any relationship built entirely on aesthetics is unhealthy and this includes the art we create.
It feels like a badge of honor to call myself a photographer. At least it used to before I thought about it more and then heard it behind defined. A photographer is, simply put someone that takes photographs. As an artist, I get to choose to create photographs and I just so happen to use a camera to do that.