The city was only about 2 hours driving distance from Niagara Falls, but it took us over 5 hours to get there. We made a short stop to visit with some family friends a short distance away from the city as well as capturing a sunset on Lake Ontario before going into downtown.
The city has many neat things to explore such as CN Tower, the Underground, and the Christmas Market. We stayed about a quarter mile from the CN Tower, but never got very close to it. The tower is absolutely massive, and it dominates the city skyline. The CN Tower is one of the largest towers in the world!
The Christmas Market is a neat area with little shops that sell very high priced clothing, household tools/toys, and other pricy items. I couldn’t afford anything other than the food there, so that’s what I got! There were macaroons of all sorts of flavors including maple. I bought some tarts as well, and there was a fantastic Panini somewhere in there.
Moving on to the next city had to be done though. So, we left Toronto in the early afternoon. On the way to Montreal, we had the chance to capture some photos on the northeast shore of Lake Ontario. The waves were extremely strong, and the wind was blistering as I captured the photos. The waves were continuously getting the cameras soaked forcing me to wipe off the front elements as well as the body after every shot. The water would also get very close to taking the tripod with them several times during that sunset. When the photo adventure was done though it was most certainly all worth the trip!