I appreciate a nicely designed room as much as the next person, but I also am a believer in an acoustically sound room designed room as well. The way things sound throughout a house is a new focus on the modern home. We have drifted towards the use of open floor plans and getting rid of the carpet, and in the process created large echo-chambers that aren’t ideal for sound.
While in the UK in June I visited the National Portrait Gallery. It featured various famous pieces done of people like George Washington, Queen Elizabeth, Ian McKellen, Martin Luther, Mary Queen of the Scots, etc… There was a nice addition of photography to the museum though, which was a surprising and refreshing thing to see.
Recently, I was at an art festival in Tualatin, Oregon. I was not the only photographer there which means when I was trying to sell my prints I had competition. Right? No.
If you weren’t aware, I have a photography business centered around my landscape images. I sell prints! I don’t do it full time though, and that is ok. It takes a lot of work as it is!
When it comes to creating fine art there is something innately special about a piece to qualify initially. Beyond being just beautiful there is another important part of creating valuable art today. In a world where images are shared all the time and can be reproduced an infinite number of times there is something even more special about a limited availability.
It is exciting to buy and display new art! Having something you love the look of and connect with is wonderful and you are going to want to protect that. For this reason, I wanted to talk a bit about how to keep your fine art prints protected from fading, damage, and overall preservation.