Compelling Imaging - Photography

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Finding New Perspectives

Fresh perspective of the ISU campanile found during my last week on campus! (P.S. Also my favorite composition!!!)

Recently, I graduated from college here at ISU. This shot was taken in the days leading up to my graduation, and I have never seen this kind of shot done before. I love shooting new and unique perspectives in my photography. This may be through a different lens or new position. It always gives me a better understanding of the subject.

I suppose this may be a way of getting philosophical in the sense that getting a new perspective may be helpful in any situation and not just photography. Getting focused in with a narrow field of view to widening out for a broad and sweeping view may be the change you need. Keep moving your feet as standing still isn't getting you anywhere fast. 

Who knows?! Maybe if you hustle enough and work the angles long enough there may be a breakthrough with some success. Just remember, the best perspective is sometimes one of the last you find along a journey.